Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dinner of Yumminess

Last night I made the yummiest spread and I didn't take a single photo! I think I was so excited by the yumminess that I didn't grab the camera. Oh well...

The line-up was:
Turkey breast (Foster Farms seasoned-so easy and delicious-it's even in a pan for cooking now!) Literally take out of the packaging and put in the pre-heated oven and cook until 165*!

Green Beans prepared this way:
Clean and cut the ends
Place in large skillet/pan and add 1/2 cup stock (I use water and bullion paste) and cook until the beans are tender and all the water is gone. I usually allow them to cook until they begin to get a little browned in spots (I really need a picture) because they are so flavorful that way. My kids and I AND Phil gobble them up every time! Notice there is NO oil, butter or even salt/pepper. They are amazing!

Smashed red potatoes:
So I saw Giada make THIS recipe on Food Network the other day and HAD to have it, but then I was having turkey and gravy so I just couldn't have this lemony potato thing so I...

Boiled my small red potatoes until they were just fork tender.
Let them cool until I could touch them (and my kids stopped needing me)

Gently smashed them with the palm of my hand. This was tricky because many of mine fell apart, but I just kept them together as I set them in the pan and it worked out just fine.

I put a twig of Thyme in 1/4 cup olive oil for about 2 minutes stirring it around to flavor my oil.

Added the pre-boiled and gently smashed potatoes and cook until they were browned on each side (about 3 minutes per side).

Remove thyme and discard.

EAT THEM and you'll see why I had to have them!

This was so yummy I could hardly stand it. We ended the meal with homemade vanilla ice-cream (since it was family night) and that just made the meal even better!

And if I could do all this with a sprained ankle and four kids needed various things throughout, anyone can do it!

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